Particularly in the world of 2020, efficient and effective communication across your company is an essential part of a healthy, productive workflow. There are so many different options for communication, though, from different video call platforms like Teams and Zoom to tools like Slack or Discord, that communication can easily fragment even before you start to consider email communications, direct messaging, or other options. In order to streamline all of this as much as possible, a Unified Communications strategy is well worth considering. There are many advantages to unifying your communication methods, and it is a valuable option for most workplaces. But many people are unaware of Unified Communications and its advantages, so let us take a look at what this strategy consists of and the benefits that it can offer you.
What is Unified Communications?
Different communication channels are a nightmare for company infrastructure, draining time and resources while bloating budgets unnecessarily. Unified Communications strategies are an efficient way to streamline that tangled mess massively, tying all of those disparate comms channels together into a single app for ease of use and simplicity.
Unified Communications is a term covering a wide range of different products, all of which have one single purpose: cutting down on unnecessary communications channels and streamlining your company comms to a single, efficient channel. No matter which products you end up with as a result of pursuing a Unified Communications strategy, they will help you to work towards the most streamlined and efficient communications system possible.
Being able to deal with all of your company communications through one channel, even when large parts of your workforce are working from home, is a major advantage. Unified Communications strategies aim to do just that, stripping your tangled web of communications channels down to something much more streamlined and focused for clean, sustainable use in the long term with no risk of resource-draining and budget bloating.
Unified Communications Products
There are many different products falling under the umbrella of unified communications. That covers business phone services and other cloud communications tools, direct routing through Microsoft Teams, fast connectivity services for more efficient connections, and even mobile services designed specifically for efficient business communication. No matter what form of communication you prefer to use, whether that is text, voice, video, or something else, there is a product available to help you streamline and simplify your channels.
The Advantages of Unified Communications
Applying a unified communications strategy to your company’s various communication channels is a very effective way of reducing admin, giving everyone far less to worry about, and far fewer separate channels to try to keep on top of. That frees up time and attention for more important matters both for the company and for everyone’s mental health, improving lifestyles and business efficiency at the same time.
This is a great way to streamline all of your communications, speeding up comms between different parts of your company, and can be used for everything from file sharing and text messaging to voice and video calls. It is also very easy to adjust on the fly, allowing you to cut down on unnecessary apps and bloat, reducing costs and sharpening focus. Because of this flexibility, Unified Communications strategies are largely future proof, and you can add any new communications channels you like to your app at any time.
Another significant benefit of this approach is that a focus on long-distance communication deployed straight to customers helps to cut down on travel significantly. This is great for your finances, your mental health, and your carbon footprint, all at the same time!
This streamlined communication can be a major advantage even when the world returns to working largely from offices. This is not just a short-term improvement but can make a major long term difference to the health and sustainability of your company communications, particularly if you are dealing with a large, disparate workforce.
No matter what field you work in or the shape of your company at the moment, a unified communications strategy can simplify everyone’s life and save a great deal of time, money, and effort. If you are finding that communications are starting to sprawl, then unified communications is almost certainly the answer! It is easy to implement and to customize to fit your particular needs, and there are no downsides to this approach at all.