Who would have guessed that urgently searching for “Is Gang Beasts cross platform?” would occur? Not too long ago. Although the absurd beat ’em up game from Boneloaf developers is not a newcomer, it is possible that you need to be made aware of its existence. Gang Beasts, which debuted in 2014, is, at its core, silly multiplayer entertainment. It could be the pastime that you were not initially seeking. Is multiplayer access to Gang Beasts across different platforms possible with friends? Let’s investigate.
Gang Beasts – An Impossible Success
Upon initial examination, the game may seem challenging to be ranked among the most discussed online multiplayer games globally. The title almost entirely omits recognizable components such as expansive sandbox environments, intricate skill trees, convoluted plots, and reward crates (ouch!). Therefore, why are Gang Beasts currently so popular? The key may be found in its apparent simplicity: vibrant, gelatinous characters beating each other up in close-quarters combat in an effort to eliminate one another from the numerous perilous environments. Situated within the fictitious city of Beef City, the game is predicated on players engaging in ludicrous combat sequences devoid of superfluous backstories, competition with one another, or even within the same team. Developer Boneloaf intended for Gang Beasts to be a lighthearted multiplayer experience in which players could partially customize their characters and spend hours fighting their friends.
What Are Beat ‘Em Up Party Games?
What is the essence of the beat ’em up celebration genre? A party of two or more players is typically required to prevail in melee combat, where the focus is on beating up your opponents. Typically, the objectives are to eliminate other players from the map by either beating them incapacitated or ejecting them while also completing secondary objectives. Consider previous Capcom titles, including Double Dragon, Streets of Rage, and Final Fight. All were phenomenal beat ’em-up games that dominated 1990s arcades. This is elevated in Gang Beasts by its gameplay, which provides the player with campy, fundamental fun and an extensive selection of supported controllers.
Cross Platform Advantages
Only a few significant publishers provide cross-play functionality for their signature games. Some examples of cross platform games include Fortnite, Apex Legends, Call of Duty: Warzone, and Rocket League. Cross-play provides players access to communities on other platforms, expanding the user population against which they can compete. In addition, it eliminates the need for your friends to purchase an additional device in order to participate in enjoyable activities with you.
Is Gang Beasts Cross Platform?
PC And Xbox One
In June 2021, Gang Beasts ultimately displayed the first indications of improvement in cross-play when it was declared that the game would adopt cross-play functionality between the Xbox and Microsoft Stores beginning on July 1, 2021. Notably, this feature was exclusive to the Microsoft Store edition of the game, not the Steam version. Therefore, the Microsoft Store is your only option for PC players to cross-play with their Xbox friends.
Xbox Series X/S And Xbox One
Previously, the game did not support cross-compatibility between Xbox One and the Series X/S. However, that all changed with the announcement in June 2021. Players on Xbox devices from both generations can now collaborate while playing Gang Beasts. Given that these two consoles use the same game version and operate on the same platform, it seems self-evident that cross-play capabilities should be implemented. However, such is the state of affairs today that even activating this functionality took some time.
PS4 And Xbox One
Unfortunately, cross-play between these two devices is not currently possible. For a game such as Gang Beasts, Microsoft Xbox, and Sony PlayStation are among the most suitable systems, enabling controller support and comfortable sofa gaming. However, PlayStation and Xbox users currently have to make do with participating within their respective game communities. Positive developments about the publishers that enable cross-play functionality between devices of various manufacturers may emerge over time.
PC And PS4
Additionally, neither the PC nor PS4 versions of the game are cross-play compatible at this time. Providing cross platform support for consoles and personal computers is challenging for publishers and developers, not just because of the systems’ distinct architectures. PS frequently requires game developers and publishers to pay a substantial charge in order to enable cross-play on their platforms. This additional expense may be prohibitive for an independent studio such as Boneloaf. As a result, cross platform play between the PC and PS4 has yet to occur.
PS4 And PS5
No distinct PlayStation 5 version of the game exists. The PS4 version can be played on the Sony next-generation console without any complications. In contrast, players on the PS4 are unable to engage in cross platform gameplay with those on the PS5. It vexes the player base when cross-play functionality is absent from consoles operating on the same platform. The play base shrinks because some fans are forced to stop playing the game.
Will Gang Beasts Ever Be Cross Platform On All Devices?
Today, an official announcement regarding Gang Beasts’ universal cross-functionality has yet to be made in writing. There is little hope for a change soon due to the inherent differences in the architectures of the various platforms and the financial barriers that prohibit the widespread adoption of cross-play. Introducing universal cross-play might not significantly benefit a game such as Gang Beasts. Players can continue to enjoy the lighthearted multiplayer game on the same platform.
What Is The Distinction Between Cross Platform And Multi Platform?
Frequent confusion frequently arises regarding these two concepts. A cross platform game is one that can be played on multiple devices; a multi-platform game is accessible across multiple platforms. Whether or not they’re cross-play compatible, most games available today have both PC and console editions. There are, however, notable exceptions to this rule, namely console-exclusive games available exclusively on the PlayStation or Xbox platform. Uncharted series, Marvel’s Spider-Man, and The Last of Us are examples of console-defining exclusives for the PlayStation platform. As an alternative, Xbox features various titles, including those in the Forza Motorsport and Halo series, Forza Horizon, and Forza Motorsport. It is noteworthy to mention that PC players also have access to the Xbox titles. Additionally, PlayStation titles such as Death Stranding, God of War, and Horizon: Zero Dawn have begun to make their way to PC players.
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The Bottom Line: Is Gang Beasts Cross Platform?
Gang Beasts is priced at approximately $9 at local and online retailers. Due to the developers’ lack of restrictions on publishing monetized or unmonetized gameplay content based on the game, the game quickly gained popularity among Twitch content fans. The game has a bright future due to its distinctive combination of innovative combat gameplay and boundless potential for humorous situations.